The share of business leaders from among the foreigners accounted for 524 000 companies, or 8.7% of the total business in Italy. Priority sectors - construction and trade. Data provided by the Agency of Unioncamere.
Optimistic was the annual averages. The number of foreign enterprises according to Unioncamere/Infocamere increased by 28 000. That is an increase of 5.6%.
Compared to the previous year, 2014 marked an increase of 6.8% registrations of foreign companies in the chamber of Commerce of Italy, and sadly the same low rate for Italian companies (a decrease of 5.5%).
Main sectors of foreign business in Italy:
- trade - more than 188 000 companies and enterprises (35, 8%);
the construction sector is a little less than 128,000 firms (24, 3%);
rent, tourism and services in the field of business - the order of 15.4% of the total number in the country.
The main residence of foreign nationals (about 77,8%) are in the most prestigious Northern and Central region of Italy. The most popular was the Lazio (Central Italy) and North Lombardy (capital Milan). So here is concentrated the largest number of foreign enterprises. Almost a third of the country is accounted for by foreign companies are concentrated in Lombardy - 167 000 (31, 8%).